Student Awards

The following student awards will be handed out at this week's assembly, on Friday, November 29th at 3:00pm in the John Curtin Building.
FSI - Hunter P - for his great focus when sitting on the mat.
FKH - Thomas J - for amazing efforts with his writing.
FKH - Cleo R - for awesome efforts ordering numbers to 100.
1/2CD - Ellie D – working hard to improve her learning.
1/2CD - Xavier B – for striving to do his best in everything he does.
1/2VW - Archie N - for great work with math tasks.
2/3BM - Spencer R - for creating a safe outdoor lizard habitat.
2/3BM - Patrick D - for being respectful and inclusive with all his friends.
2/3BM - Jocelynn L - for her amazing starts every day.
3/4HC - Hazel S - for always doing her personal best to succeed in her learning.
3/4MS - Caitlin L- for being a super helper around the classroom.
3/4MS - Archer D - for keeping up to date with all of his work. Super effort!