Paris Olympics-Student Learning

Paris Olympics!
Jeux olympiques de paris!
Students in all year levels have been working enthusiastically on their Paris Olympic athlete Inquiry topics and their school mascot designs. They have researched, documented, illustrated and worked incredibly hard as well as learning fun facts and new French words.
Fiche athlete-athlete profile
Nom de l`athlete-name of athlete
Medallies- medals
Drapeau du pays-country`s flag
Fait amusant-fun fact
We are so proud of our Foundation students. They independently wrote sentences about Ariarne Titmus during literacy and have made so much progress in their hand writing.
Look at their amazing work!
Students from 1/2E & 1/2M worked well together on their French work sheets ('Fiche Athlete') while researching Olympic athletes Tom Daley and Jess Fox.
Fun fact: Tom Daley-"he knits as a hobby in his spare time..he even knitted a jumper during the Olympics"
Fun fact: Jess Fox-"she has a sister who won a gold medal at the Olympics too"
-Emi-Rose, Gabi, Oliver & Scarlett
Fantastic mascot designs!!
Students in 1/2A worked together researching the Matilda`s soccer player Hayley Raso.
Well Done! Great team work!