Mental Health and Wellbeing




Dear Families,


Last week I attended a parenting forum presented by the City of Greater Geelong. They run great programs, and I am always on the lookout for things that may help me both as a parent and in my role here at school. The session was titled Raising Emotionally Intelligent Children by Lael Stone. Lael is a parenting speaker, educator and author and when I opened her website, the first thing that hit me was this…. Connection is always the answer. 


There were many great strategies offered around how to connect with your children at home. Lael also talked about tantrums and how these are normal. Often our kids come to school, and they are told what to do, where to go, and how to do it. They can work hard negotiating play times, who to play with and what to play. Their brains work hard while they are here and sometimes when they get home, they need to release. This release can sometimes be in the form of a tantrum. I know that sometimes when I’m stressed, I can become angry and get snappy with others. However, I have learnt ways to release this tension before I throw a tantrum, and that is what we want to help our kids to learn. We can do this when we have strong connected relationships with our children.


I am fortunate enough to be presenting at the Local Word Writers Festival for Geelong Regional Library. My session is all about relationships and is open to the public to attend. 


Here are the details:

  • Forming Connected Family Relationships Through Storytelling
  • Saturday 11am – 12noon
  • Ocean Grove Library
  • For parents, educators and aspiring writers
  • Bookings essential.


Please book by following this link.



Have a wonderful week and I look forward to seeing you at the Ocean Grove Library in a few weeks.  



Andy McNeilly

Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader