Inclusion at OGPS
Inclusion Survey
Inclusion at OGPS
Inclusion Survey
What is inclusion and why is it important to our school? Inclusion provides opportunities for all people to participate, by aiming to reduce barriers and engaging in meaningful and supportive ways.
The OGPS Inclusion Committee would love your input. Please see below link to the survey: -
Our survey will take 3-4min to complete and will help us to gain a better understanding of what inclusion means to our school community, what we are doing well and where there are opportunities for our community to improve.
We are looking forward to hearing from our school families.
Thank you for your time! We will feed back some outcomes to you in future newsletters.
Are you interested in contributing more? Join us in the Inclusion Sub Committee, the Parents and Friends Committee or one of the many OGPS Committees. Together there is so much we can achieve.