Wellbeing Awards

Presented to Foundation - Year 5 Students at School Assembly

Friday, 9th of August @ 2.45pm


Lennox C - FJR For always trying his best and taking on feedback to improve his work.


Tyler H - FMH For believing in himself and growing his self-confidence. 


Dusty Smith - FAM For showing commitment to his learning and trying his best at all times. Keep up the amazing work Dusty!


 Harper Newbegin - FMK For the wonderful confidence she has shown and beginning each day with a big smile. Well done Harper!


 Mallee Joyce - FJC You have been so confident and resilient by having a go at writing sentences all by yourself. Well done, Mallee!


Frankie Pantelidis - 1LP For being a superstar listener, having a positive outlook on learning and always trying her best.  Well done Frankie!


Clover Phillips - 1AW For always being resilient and taking on challenges with your learning. You are always asking questions to find out more and never give up. Well done Clover!


 Oscar Burge - 1GL For always trying his hardest and being a fantastic class member. 


River R -1JE For a wonderful week in 1JE. You have been a delightful student and friend to everyone. We are all so proud of your resilience and the positive starts you've been having each morning. 


Conor Grigg - 2AG For fantastic curiosity and commitment towards all of his learning!


 Kip Cooper - 2JM For always showing resilience and accepting new challenges.


 Ned Hussey - 2MS For being a kind and caring friend to everyone. I am so proud of your efforts in the past few weeks in following instructions and being organised and ready to learn quickly, quietly and calmly. Well done!


 Jack McTaggart - 2JE For being kind, inclusive and always positive.


Sullivan Hanna - 3NK For the commitment, focus, and positivity he has displayed towards all learning tasks. Keep up the great work Sulli.


Erin Ryan - 3PC For being a consistent hard worker. kind person and a great role model to your classmate.


 Paddy Cullen - 3MP For being an extremely committed learner and always striving to do his best.


Harry Tizard - 4RB For always showing enthusiasm and persistence in his learning and always setting a great example.


Rex Kirkpatrick - 4LB  For demonstrating dedication and persistence with his writing. 


Sylvie Crapp - 4SE  For her exemplary commitment and growth mindset toward learning mathematics. Congratulations on an outstanding start to Semester Two!


Donovan Cook - 4JH For his continued commitment towards his self-awareness and social awareness. 


Freddie Daniels - 5CC For being a thoughtful helpful and caring classmate! Keep it up.


Pheobe Todd - 5CC For working hard during class and always giving everything a go. Awesome!


Frankie Ward - 5FA For always completing tasks to a high standard. Well done Frankie.


Charlie Cullen - 5SB For frequently making responsible decisions. 


Oliver H- 5CM For always being a kind and helpful friend.