Early Years News
Pre-K to Year 2
Early Years News
Pre-K to Year 2
Pre-Primary recently celebrated a significant milestone: 100 days of school! The students embraced the day with enthusiasm, coming dressed as 100-year-old people and wearing shirts decorated with 100 items. The festivities included a variety of fun activities. The children made 'hundreds bread,' built towers from 100 cups, and posed in a 100 Days photo booth. Creative projects included making the number 100 using carrots and cucumbers and crafting glasses in the shape of 100. The students also enjoyed listening to stories and seeing computer-generated images of what they might look like at 100 years old. It was a day full of laughter, learning, and celebration, marking an unforgettable moment in their school journey.
We also want to take a moment to extend our warmest wishes to Mrs Trepp, who will be going on maternity leave starting next week. Mrs Trepp has been an invaluable member of our teaching staff, and we will miss her presence and contributions to the Early Years. We wish her all the best and look forward to her return.
In her absence, Mrs Nadia Thomas will be stepping in to ensure a smooth continuation of her classes. Mrs Nadia Thomas will be teaching Technologies, Music and Library across Pre Primary and Year One.
This year, we will be trialling an Early Years Carnival. On Wednesday 11 September, the Pre Primary and Kindergarten students will be participating in an Early Years Sports Carnival.
Our Year Ten Sports Coaching students will be facilitating the activities and assisting Mrs Jaye Wilkie on the day. Further information regarding the Early Years Sports Carnival will be sent home soon.
Kind Regards,
Mrs Lisa Ripley
Head of Early Years (Pre-Kindy to Year 2)