Student News

Celebrating the achievements of our amazing students!



We are thrilled to announce that Brodie Chesshire (Year 5), has been selected to represent the Aussie Drop Bears in the Cal Ripken World Series in America!


Brodie has dedicated four years to tee ball, two years to winter softball, two years to machine pitch baseball, and now excels in Little League baseball. His hard work and commitment, both on and off the diamond, have paid off. 


We are confident that Brodie will represent his club, school, and country with immense pride.



Alana (Brodie's Mom) encourages everyone to explore the benefits of diamond sports at the Byford Bushrangers' annual 'Have a Go' day on the 28th of August. It's a fantastic opportunity to get involved in a sport that promotes teamwork, discipline, and fun. You will not regret it!

Kindy Red

Our little ones in Kindy Red were ecstatic and proud to win the Golden Broom Award in Week 1 for having the tidiest Learning Space and outdoor area! Well done, Kindy Red! We are so very proud of you!