Harvey Simpson
Harvey Simpson
Date: Monday 5th August 2024
Venue: Sydney Olympic Park Athletics Centre
Address: Edwin Flack Avenue, Sydney Olympic Park NSW 2127
Students who are attending will be picked up by bus from STMM.
Students to arrive at St MM’s at 6.30am
Bus Departure 6.45
Arrival Time 7.15 am
Marshal first event at 7.50 am
First race commences at 8.00 am
Finish time is approximately 3.00 pm
Return Bus arrival at school 3.45 pm
Students are to wear their sports uniform but will be given a STMM athletics singlet to wear on the day that is then to please be washed and returned to the office.
Congratulations to the students who will represent St MM’s on Monday:
Parents are advised that St Margaret Mary’s will be seated in Bay 10 (see below) and to note the below order of events