From Mrs David's Desk

Dear Families,
I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday after an extremely busy Term 2.
I would like to thank Miss King and the Staff Leadership Team for their support nad leadership while I was on leave last week. It was wonderful to have the opportunity to have a break and reset for the remainder of 2024.
Miss King will be on leave next week. Our community hopes she has a relaxing holiday in the sunshine.
Staff News
On behalf of our school community, I would like to welcome Miss Cristina Vezzu to our Holy Family staff. Miss Vezzu is teaching Year 1/2SG (4 days a week) while Mrs Santamaria is on Maternity Leave.
We hope that Miss Vezzu enjoys being a part of our wonderful community.
Please pop in to introduce yourself to her.
We have many new students joining our school this term.
We have quite a few International Students who are at our school for 2-3 weeks. The stduents and their families are thoroughly enjoying being part of Holy Family and would love to come back in 2025.
We have also welcomed four new stduents and their families to our school.
- James Papalia
- Matthew Papalia
- Noah Nyak
- Arthur Xu
Thank you for joining our learning community. We hope you settle in quickly and enjoy everything our school has to offer.
Confirmation Parent/Candidate Information Meeting
On Wednesday 31st July ALL Confirmation Candidates must attend the Parent/Candidate Information evening at 7pm. This evening will be held in the Gathering Space at school.
Learning Conversations
Thank you to our families who attended our Learning Conversations this week. These conversations provide an opportunity for parents and students to celebrate learning achievements and set goals for the remainder of 2024.
Prep 2025 Interviews
Miss King and I have the privilege, at around this time each year, of interviewing parents and children for Prep the following year. It is a wonderful opportunity to find out more about these students to ensure a successful transition to school.
We have already discovered that we have a budding DJ, Dolly Parton fan and aspiring leaders.
2025 Intentions
I am beginning to plan for 2025 and need to know if your family is going to be at Holy Family next year.
Can you please notify me by 30th August if you are not returnig to Holy Family as we have some children on a waitlist?
WhatsApp Class Groups
It is great that we have many avenues of communication at our fingertips to keep up to date with everything.
The WhatsApp Class Group is only to be used for reminders and updates about what is happening in the school.
Any questions you may have about curriculum must be addressed in person or via email with the class teacher.
Please be aware that if you are using this App for any other purpose you may be removed from the group.
Seesaw App
Just a reminder that the only way to communicate with staff is either via a phone call or an email via their school address.
The Seesaw App is not to be used as a communication tool with staff. The purpose of the App is to showcase student work and for you to comment on the work for your child.
Together We Walk Action (FIRE Carriers)
Holy Family is fortunate to have an Indigenous student at our school. I have been granted permission from this student's family to share aspects of their Cultural Plan.
- Clan - Wiradjuri
- Language Group - Pama-Nyungan language of the Wiradhuric subgroup
- Both Land and Water people the Wirudjuri people are known to be well skilled hunters and fisher people
- Totem: Gugaa the Goanna
- Family Aboriginal connection 'The Rock' which is also known as Kengal (meaning 'sloping hill'). It is a dreaming place, lookout and ceremonial site for the Wiradjuri People and their descendantsOn Friday 2nd August our school is raising money to support First Nations access to education.
Staff and students are encouraged to wear red, yellow and black to school on this day and bring along a gold coin donation.
The money raised will be forwarded to the Opening Doors Foundation which supports First Nations children to receive an education.
At the beginning of September all families in Prep to Year 4 will receive an invite to complete the annual MACSSIS survey from Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools.
MACSSIS is a low impact, high return set of tools for creating, collecting, analysing, interpreting and using data to inform Catholic school improvement. MACSSIS produces perception data. This data tells us about what different people in a school community think and feel about their learning environment.
Our school will refer to data from this survey during our External Review in 2025 and set goals for the next 4 years based on this data and other data sets.
Father's Day Afternoon
Term Three Dates
Friday 26th - District Soccer Round Robin
Friday 26th - National Tree Planting Day
Wednesday 31st - Parents and Friends Meeting (6pm)
Wednesday 31st - Confirmation Information Evening (7pm)
Thursday 1st - 100 Days Celebration (Prep)
Friday 2nd - Together We Walk in Action (FIRE Carriers) Wear red, yellow and black
Friday 2nd August - Principal's Day
Thursday 8th - Mary MacKillop Feast Day
Wednesday 14th - School Advisory Council Meeting (6pm)
Friday 16th - Bully No Way Day
Friday 16th - School Closure Day (Religious Education Focus)
Saturday 17th/Sunday 18th - Confirmation Commitment Masses
Monday 19th - Book Week (Magic) Parade at 9:15am
Thursday 22nd - Confirmation Reflection Day
Friday 23rd - Sacrament of Confirmation (5pm)
Monday 26th-Wednesday 28th - Year 5/6 Camp (Alexandra Adventure Resort)
Wednesday 28th - Parents and Friends Meeting (7pm)
Friday 30th - Father's Day Celebrations (2:20pm)
Sunday 1st - Happy Father's Day
Friday 6th - District Athletics
Thursday 19th/Friday 20th - Visual/Media Arts Expo
Friday 20th - Last day of Term 3 (1pm finish)
Stay warm over the weekend,
Mrs David (Principal)