Parents & Friends

The Parents and Friends (P&F) Association is essential in fostering a supportive school community.

Comprising all parents and caregivers, the P&F's primary objective is to benefit the school and its students by providing a formal structure for parent participation, offering feedback to the school's leadership team, and representing parent interests. The P&F encourages parental involvement, which research has shown positively impacts a child's academic success.


Regular meetings are held, where parents can share ideas, offer feedback, and contribute to school planning and decision-making. Members can also organise social events, fundraising activities, and other initiatives to support the school and its students. The P&F is a structured and supportive network for parents to engage with the school, contribute to their child's education, and work towards the school's benefit.


We are looking for expressions of interest from parents and/or carers who would be able to commit to a meeting twice a term - likely to be a Tuesday - to meet just for an hour or so to discuss fundraising ideas and social activities. This will be an informal gathering with likeminded people sharing fresh, productive ideas to beneft the school community and promote community connection. Light refreshments will be provided.


If this sounds like something you'd like to be involved in, please email Lara