Principal's Report 

Issue No 22 - 24 July

Term 3 - Week 2

Principal’s Report

New Toilet Block 

After months and months of waiting we are finally in our new toilet block.  Our students were very excited to be using the purpose built toilet block with self contained facilities in all cubicals.  Thank you to Swan Build for handing over the keys on Monday and special thanks goes to Greg Carter and the CES Ltd Capital Building Projects team for their support. 



Earlier this year Grades 3 and 5 took part in NAPLAN testing. Results from this assessment were sent home to families last week. 


De La Salle College Concert at St Killian’s Primary School 

Last Thursday saw the De La Salle College music students perform for our students.  The concert was a very vibrant performance including various instruments, songs and dances. Thank you to the students and staff for the wonderful performance. 



Last week our grade 6 students and staff participated in a professional learning activity with the Nudel Kart.  The deconstructable mobile play carts can be reconfigured in endless ways to encourage self-directed learning including such as teamwork, leadership, social skills, creativity and problem solving.  


Yesterday the Grade 2 students had a visit from Coliban Water who ran a session called 'Flushed'. With the opening of our new toilet block our students have a much better understanding of how things work.  Thank you to John and the Coliban Water team. 


Last night Miss Turpie and Mr Williams ran a parent/child night for the Grade 5 students called Life Relationships.  The session aligns with classroom learning focusing on relationships, family, adolescence, puberty and reproduction. 


Emergency Management 

Yesterday our staff participated in Emergency Management Training with Aaron from Bounce Readiness.  The final part of the day included a successful Evacuation Drill with the whole school community.  We thank the staff and students for the responsive way they participated in the drill. 

Division Sports 

Today our grade 6 students represent St Kilian’s at the Division Netball. Next Tuesday and Wednesday some of our senior students compete in Division Football.  We wish the teams the best of luck and hope all players enjoy the experience. 


Monday Morning Assembly 

On Monday 29th July, we will have an extended Monday morning assembly in the school hall. After all normal assembly routines are completed, the Grade 4 Unit will have a special presentation. Following this, students will return to their classrooms to resume their normal learning, while parents/special friends are encouraged to enjoy a coffee with the Grade 4 teachers until 10 am.    


Opening the Doors Fundraiser – Friday 2nd August 

Casual Clothes Day - Gold Coin Donation To acknowledge National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Children's Day on Sunday August 4th Bring a gold coin and wear a touch of red, yellow or black to support the Opening the Doors Foundation 

3 Way Conversations – Learning Conversations 

During week 3 and 4 we are inviting all families to participate in 3 Way conversations. This is a great opportunity for parents to be part of their child’s learning, reflecting on the first semester of learning and setting learning goals for the second semester of the year. The format of the 3 Way Conversations will again go for 20 minutes and will take place on Tuesday 30th July, Wednesday 31st July and Tuesday 6th August.  Please use PAM to book these interviews. If you are unable to attend a 3 Way Conversation, please see your child’s classroom teacher so alternative arrangements can be made. PAM does not send a confirmation email for your interview time.  You will find your interview time listed in the “Booked times” section of Parent Teacher Interview Booking. 


God Bless 

Kimberley McSweeney  
