Koorie Education 

& Engagement


On Tuesday 25 July, the Commission for Children and Young People visited Koorie students at EMC.


CCYP are an independent statutory body that promotes improvement in policies and practices affecting the safety and wellbeing of Victorian children and young people. They have a particular focus on vulnerable children and young people.


Aboriginal lawyer and advocate Meena Singh leads the Commission’s engagement with Aboriginal communities as the state’s third Commissioner for Aboriginal Children and Young People, having commenced this role in April 2022.


Commissioner Singh, a Yorta Yorta woman, brings a wealth of skills and experience to this critical role – including as a Victoria Legal Aid lawyer representing children and young people in child protection and youth justice, together with multiple roles of key relevance to the Commission’s work, including with the Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service, Human Rights Law Centre, and Aboriginal family violence support service, Djirra.


Koorie students provided feedback about being an Indigenous student at school currently, and what works well and what challenges there are.  The students provided feedback about the classroom, curriculum, school support, uniform, the community and more.


The team were really impressed with the meaningful considerations, and are keen to provided this feedback directly to the teams they work with in different Departments of Victorian Government.


Koorie Academy is a not for profit organisation based in Naarm. Their aim is to provide opportunities and fun experiences, through sport, for mob. They do this by running basketball clinics and events throughout the year that brings the community together from all across Victoria. https://www.koorieacademy.org.au/ 


  • First Peoples' Assembly of Victoria workshop - 15/8
  • Year 12 Bayside Peninsula Koorie student celebration - 28/8
  • Campfire Conversation - 29/8
  • Koorie Emerging Leaders in Schools @ Mt Erin SC - 11/9
  • Koorie Emerging Leaders in Schools @ Western Port SC - 15/10

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