College Notices

Genes for Jeans Day/Green and Gold Day
Green and Gold Day
On Friday 2 August, students are invited to wear green and gold ribbons, green and gold socks, their favourite Australian jersey, or an Australian team hat to celebrate the Australian Olympic team in Paris. Please note this will also be Jeans for Genes Day, so students will also be wearing denim jeans and jackets. Students are not allowed to wear green and gold earrings, jewellery or face paint.
Message from the Enrolments Team
Enrolment Procedures & Business Regulations Friendly Reminder
Parents/caregivers are reminded to review our Enrolment Procedures & Business Regulations on a regular basis.
We would like to provide families with a friendly reminder that a full term’s written notice, addressed to the principal, is required when withdrawing a student from the College to avoid fees being charged in lieu of notice.
Where a student is leaving at the end of the school year, notice must be received by the first day of Term 4.
Notice is to be provided via email to and