Message from the Principal

Dear Parents and Carers,
The vibrant spirit of our school community was on full display at our wonderful and community loved On the Green event this past Sunday. Throughout the afternoon we enjoyed fabulous musical performances by our students, followed by the incredible Kate Miller-Heidke, who shared the stage with some of our students during her set. My sincere thanks to the many volunteers who assisted with the organisation, set-up, pack down and logistics on the day. I also acknowledge the incredible Clayfield College staff who visioned, planned and executed this exceptional event. Whilst it takes a village to deliver such a major event, I particularly acknowledge and thank our Director of Marketing, Communication and Engagement, Emma Dixon, for her inspiration, energy and passion. It was a true demonstration of our community spirit.
Recently, our Year 2 students participated in a delightful and insightful exercise where they imagined themselves in my shoes as the Principal of Clayfield College. The task was simple yet profound: "If you were The Clayfield College Principal, would you change or do anything differently?" The responses were a wonderful mix of creativity, practicality, and genuine love for our school. During the week it was wonderful to have the opportunity to drop in and visit Year 2 where they enthusiastically shared their ideas.
There were standout suggestions, reflections and heartfelt thoughts from our young visionaries, one student envisioned a school with thrilling new features, "I would have a zipline from one end of the school to the other. I would also add a theme park!" and another student proposed an academic enhancement, "I think it would be great if we could have extra learning time then our brains could get bigger". A student emphasised the importance of play and adventure, "I would like an hour of play for morning tea and lunch! I love our new playground, but I would put an abseiling wall from the very top".
A heartwarming response highlighted a student's appreciation for Clayfield College, "If I was the Clayfield College Principal that would be amazing. But there is not one thing I would change. I love this school. I like the new playground because we get to play tag. I like golden time too because we get to play with toys in the classroom. Do you know what Dr. Cousins? I have just realised that I would not be the best CC Principal. I think you should keep that job".
One student focused on health and social time sharing, "I would extend our playtime so I can spend time with my friends and get exercise. This would help us come back to class ready to learn." There was a practical suggestion, "I think that it would be great if teachers hang a wall with little holes in it to put our hats on. Which means we will never lose our hats.". A student mentioned their favourite aspect of Clayfield College, "Something I love about Clayfield College is the library because it has graphic novels. What I also like is the amphitheatre because I like to eat".
A student reflected on our great welcoming nature of our community saying, "Something I love about Clayfield College is that the students are kind to newcomers. I started at the start of the year and already feel like I belong here. I think that it would be great if we had more lunch time because we have more energy for the day".
These responses not only bring a smile to our faces but also offer valuable insights into the perspectives of our students. Their ideas, ranging from playful additions to thoughtful improvements, remind us of the importance of considering all voices in our community.
At Clayfield College, we deeply value feedback from both our students and parents. Your insights help us create an environment that nurtures growth, joy, and a sense of belonging for all. We are committed to listening, learning, and continuously enhancing our students’ learning experience. With this in mind, I thank you in advance for participating in the MMG survey, which all parents will be invited to complete in the coming days, as it will provide us with invaluable feedback.
Thank you for your ongoing support and for encouraging your children to share their wonderful ideas. Together, we can ensure that Clayfield College remains a place where every student thrives.
Warm regards,
Dr Andrew Cousins