College Updates

The Cafe Grand Opening
Late last term we had our official Grand Opening of The Cafe to celebrate our transition to locally made and healthier food options in our canteen and the build of an onsite cafe at the college. The Cafe was built this year and is a space for staff and Year 12 students to enjoy, either for studying, working or meeting with colleagues. The college would like to thank Strini Builders and Jo Daly from Daly Living who managed the build and design, Fat Cat Coffee Roasters for providing our coffee beans and Latrobe Community Health Service who have been working with our Wellbeing Team on creating healthier food options for our students as part of The Achievement Program.
Canteen Menu - Term 3
Please find attached our Term 3 canteen menu. Students and staff are encouraged to order their lunch via Compass or at recess. A reminder that the canteen and cafe take cash or Compass card payment, there are no eftpos facilities available.
General Office Hours
Please be advised that the General Office hours are now 8am-4pm Monday-Thursday and 8am-3.30pm on Friday's.
Life4Life Program
Attention Year 8 parents/guardians - please read the below letter relating to your student (this was also sent via Compass earlier this term).
2024 Yearbook Cover Art Competition
We are running an Art Competition for students who would like their work featured as the front cover of our 2024 Yearbook! This competition is open to all year levels and can be any art medium - painting, drawing, photography etc! Closing in Week 6, Friday the 23rd of August!
College Uniform
Our school uniform reflects the values of our college. Our college supports students to be in uniform every day by offering the Uniform Exchange. Please visit the below link for more information on our college Uniform Policy.
College Uniforms - Lowanna College
Please note that our college uniform is sold at Beleza School Uniforms in Moe and Warragul.
Science Club
Science Club runs every Friday at lunchtime in B9, we encourage students to come along and learn something new!
Science Week is Next Week!
Science Week is fast approaching, and our Science Team have organised a variety of exciting activities for students to participate in throughout the week, including a daily homegroup quiz and lunchtime activities.
Book Week - Week 6
In Week 6, Lowanna College will be celebrating Book Week! Like last year, the main event will be a Character Dress-Up Day. We encourage all staff and students to get involved and dress up as their favourite book character, or to get together with friends and coordinate your costumes around a favourite book or genre. Character Dress Up Day is Thursday the 22nd of August, which is less than two weeks away! We encourage students and staff to start finalising their outfits ready for the day.
World's Greatest Shave
On Thursday the 22nd of July we held the World's Greatest Shave event at our whole school assembly! Thank you to the team, including our mystery shaver Mr. McInnes, who coloured and/or shaved their hair for an important cause! The college has raised over $7,500 from this event, with Year 12 students Lachlan Wallace and Joel Boyes raising the most funds, and we are still going! If you would like to donate to the Leukemia Foundation, please click the below link;
Thank you and well done to our SRC and everyone else involved in organising this important event and fundraiser.
In week 1 of term, the college celebrated NAIDOC Week. Thank you to Aunty Michelle for doing the Welcome to Country and smoking ceremony and the Boorun Boys for performing Indigenous cultural dancing for all to enjoy. Students, staff and visitors had the opportunity to participate in beading and painting, enjoy a BBQ lunch and take away some goodies. Thank you to everyone involved in organising the event. Let's Keep the Fire Burning - Blak, Loud and Proud.
Principals' Day
Last Friday we celebrated Principals' Day at the college. Thank you Mr. Cox, Ms. Knowles, Mr. King and Mr. Mitchell (as well as Mr. Lakeman, returning in Term 4 and Mr. Hogan, returning in Term 3, 2025) for their leadership and dedication to making our college a supportive environment for all students to learn.
Footy Colours Day
In Week 8 our SRC are organising a Footy Colours Day for students and staff, raising money for Year 12 Celebration Day and MND Australia. Students and staff are encouraged to dress up in their footy colours and bring a gold coin donation.
Please note, students are allowed to be out of uniform only if they are dressed in footy colours.
Deb Ball Reminder
A reminder that all students participating in the Deb Ball (Wednesday the 18th of September) are required at dance rehearsals every Monday night at 6pm.
Arts Update
Year 9 Pen and Ink Drawing
Year 9 Ceramics
Year 9 Ceramics students are working on finishing up and underglazing their first projects. They learnt about basic hand building and glaze techniques.
Year 9/10 Painting and Drawing
Year 9/10 Painting and Drawing students have learned a variety of drawing techniques and different mediums. They have demonstrated their skill and understanding through a planned project in drawing using the Creative Practice.
Year 11 Art Creative Practice
Year 11 students have finished their Unit 1 folios and experimentation with materials and techniques through developmental drawings and artworks.
Art Club
Art Club is available to students every Tuesday at lunchtime in B20.
Arts Exhibition and Soiree
The Term 3 Arts Exhibition and Soiree is on Wednesday the 4th of September from 6.30pm at the college. It's a wonderful night where students can showcase their artworks and musical talents.
College Fete
This term our VCE-VM students are organising a college fete on Thursday the 12th of September between 3-6pm. Similar to last year, the fete will have a variety of activities, food trucks and stalls. We encourage students, their families and the community to attend the college fete and to enjoy the range of activities we will have on offer.
We are calling on expressions of interest for any food truck vendors - if you are interested, please contact Tom Axford on 5127 9200.