Principal's Update

A message from Mr. Adam Hogan, College Principal (attached below).
Welcome back to Term 3. It certainly has been a very busy start to the term with numerous events and activities taking place in the first 4 weeks. Our Year 10’s have been busy with a week of Work Experience, and their Senior School Information Evening in preparation for the Year 10-11 Course Counselling next week. It was pleasing to hear the positive comments from numerous employers regarding the way our students conducted themselves and their work ethic on their various worksites.
As a school, we are focused on a whole school approach on Respect. Respect for self, respect for staff and respect for fellow students. In our Year 7 Learn to Learn classes, students have explored the concept of Respect, what it looks like, how to show it and how it links in with our School Wide Positive Behaviour. Elsewhere, all classes have had daily behaviour expectations explained, and positive reinforcement has been provided to those students demonstrating our school values.
Can I please remind parents and students on the importance of attendance. Each day of school missed makes a difference, with the effect on learning accumulating over time. From an early age, if children are taught that they need to 'show up' for school and make a commitment, this positive mentality aids academic and career success and brings benefits in adulthood. If your child is having difficulty with their attendance, please ensure that you reach out to the school for support. We are willing to work with all families to ensure that ‘Everyday Counts.’
Finally, I would like to wish our College Principal, Adam Hogan, all the best in his 12-month secondment to the Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership. In his 6 years as Principal of Lowanna College, Adam has promoted a sense of pride in the school, while focusing on improving NAPLAN, VCE and Attitudes to School Survey results. The change in the structures and aesthetics of the school have been dramatic, and it is a credit to Adam and his team for the improvements that have been made. Adam has always wanted the best educational and social outcomes for all students at Lowanna College and I wish him all the best for the next 12 months.
Trevor Cox
Acting College Principal