Year 9 Update

The Year 9s were excited to return to school this week. It was wonderful for Ms Whelan and I to welcome them back on Tuesday as their Wellbeing team, and we are looking forward to a fun-filled term together.  


At the end of last term, we chose our 'Word of the Term.' The students chose the word together through a thought-provoking PowerPoint presentation where they answered questions like, "What inspires you to be your best self?" and "How do you want to feel next term?" After discussion and voting, we landed on the word "Glee"! 


For the rest of this term, we will be focusing on reflecting on and creating moments of glee for ourselves and others. Each Thursday, students will fill out a personal 'Glee Journal,' where they will respond to various prompts aimed at fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of glee.  


This week's prompt was, "What is your definition of glee?" Here are some of the wonderful definitions provided by our students: 

  • "It is a feeling of joy and excitement." 
  • "Finding the good in otherwise bad situations." 
  • "It's like being on a high where no people could bring you down." 
  • "It is the most comfortable feeling in my mind. It will appear when I talk to friends, laugh with friends, buy something I always wanted, do something I like to do, my heart will be filled with happiness" 
  • "You may find glee when your sports team wins or even a simple smile from someone." 

We're excited to see how our focus on glee will brighten everyone's term. 

Mia Dimitrakopoulos

Year 9 Co-Coordinator