Grade 1/2

Mrs Laity

Welcome back to all students and families!

At the end of Term 2 we had a visit from Debbie from Bunnings. Together with the Prep students, we planted some seedlings to take home. We also planted some seedlings into a garden bed in the school courtyard. Thank you Bunnings for supplying these plants to us at no cost. 



Fluency groups

This term we are focusing on reading at our levels with fluency, and expression. Students are reading familiar texts, multiple times together, monitoring each other for accuracy and tone. 

Well done to students who have been reading regularly before or after school. A special mention to those students who have achieved their 100 nights certificate or who are close to this.




We have commenced this term, exploring the Place Value of 2 and 3 digit numbers. Students have manipulated numbers by partitioning them and writing them in expanded form. The class has also been developing their flexible thinking about numbers. Students looked at worded number stories and showed understanding through drawings. We will be extending this idea when we move into a focus on Multiplication. 



Students are exploring the power of light in our world. We have begun our unit by experimenting with light to create rainbows. Students used torches, water and mirrors to create rainbows on paper. It is pleasing to see how well students work together to achieve the outcomes they are looking for. 

Digital Technologies

Navigating technology efficiently as a learning tool is very important in all year levels. Year 1 and 2 students are now able to log into the school desktops independently. They have been learning to navigate a keyboard and use correct hand placement for touch typing. Regular practice of this skill will continue throughout this semester.