
Number & Algebra   I   Measurement & Geometry   I   Statistics & Probability

Number: In numeracy we will be working with numbers to 20. This will include counting backwards to subtract numbers, modeling simple subtraction problems, writing number sentences and equations and using the correct symbols to match. Students will be involved in sharing collections and making equal groups. They will be exposed to mathematical terminology related to the operations and be encouraged to explain their mathematical thinking. Identifying, describing and ordering Australian coins according to their value will also be a focus this term.


Measurement and Geometry: In measurement the focus will bon sorting and comparing objects that are empty, half full or full. They will learn to connect the days of the week to familiar events and actions and draw and scribe upcoming events on their own calendars. Students will be involved in understanding clock times. They will learn to read time on an analogue and digital clock and be able to describe the parts of the clock and show time to the hour. data 


Statistics and Probability: Children will be involved in collecting and interpreting simple data.