
Reading   I   Writing   I   Speaking & Listening

Reading: Students are expected to continue to read their take home book every night and continue to learn to read the high frequency words that are sent home. Words the students don’t know will be sent home for them to learn in their red reader bag. Please check the bag daily so you know which words need to be practiced. Continual work on the phonics will be implemented in class activities daily and we are now moving from single letters to learning digraphs and word building using initial blends and final blends. Children will continue to develop a variety of reading strategies and apply their increasing phonemic knowledge and skills in decoding to help them read new words. Reading comprehension will be a focus and students will be expected to answer literal, inferential and evaluative questions based on a text.


Writing: This term students will practice recording and correctly spelling the Golden, Red, Blue, Orange, Green, Indigo and Violet words during activities in the classroom. Students will be learning about alliteration, compound words and the suffix 's'. Students will be encouraged to experiment with punctuation when writing and begin to use full stops and capital letters correctly. Students will continue to have focused handwriting sessions to assist them to learn to correctly position the letters on the dotted thirds and become consistent in their correct letter formation. They will develop skills in understanding the use of punctuation as a feature of written text and begin to experiment and use capital letters and full stops to signal the beginning and end of sentences. Our writing genres will include recounts of events, written retells of stories, poetry and writing invitations.


Speaking and Listening: Students will continue to deliver short oral presentations during their Show and Share sessions to peers using appropriate voice levels and learning to speak clearly and confidently.