Diary Dates

We have another busy and exciting term ahead and we are looking forward to sharing it with you and the students!


Term 3 Dates:

Please take note of some important dates throughout the term:

  • Week 3 : 100 Days of School Celebration, Wednesday 31st July
  • Week 3 : FA FB singing the anthem at Assembly, Friday 2nd August
  • Week 4 : FA FB singing the anthem at Assembly, Friday 9th August
  • Week 5 : FC FD FE singing the anthem at Assembly, Friday 16th August
  • Week 6 : FC FD FE singing the anthem at Assembly, Friday 23rd August
  • Week 7 : Beaut Blokes' afternoon, Friday 30th August
  • Week 9 : Parent Teacher Interviews. Information to follow.
  • Week 9 and 10 : Foundation Swimming. Information to follow.