Child Safe Standards

Victoria's New Child Safety Standards

This week we will look at:


Standard 5

Equity is upheld and diverse needs respected in policy and practice


In complying with Child Safe Standard 5 our school ensures that:

5.1    The school, including staff and volunteers, understands children and young people’s diverse circumstances, and provides support and responds to those who are vulnerable.

5.2    Children and young people have access to information, support and complaints processes in ways that are culturally safe, accessible and easy to understand.

5.3    The school pays particular attention to the needs of children and young people with disability, children and young people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, those who are unable to live at home, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex children and young people.

5.4    The school pays particular attention to the needs of Aboriginal children and young people and provides/promotes a culturally safe environment for them.




So what does this actually look like in a school?


  • The achool takes steps to understand the diverse circumstances and needs of children who engage, or may engage, with it. (5.1, 5.3)
  • Staff and volunteers:
    • are provided with information and guidance about children’s diverse circumstances, how to identify factors that can increase a child’s vulnerability to harm, and how to promote equity and safety for all children
    • take action to support and respond to children who are experiencing vulnerability, including making inquiries and responding where there are signs of increased vulnerability
    • take action to uphold equity for all children, promote children’s safety and prevent child abuse and harm. (5.1, 5.3, 5.4)
  • Leaders set clear expectations around achieving equity and respect for diversity. (5.1 and links to 2.2)
  • The school ensures all children are reasonably supported to participate. (5.1)