Middle School

Romeo and Juliet Performance – Year 9 English
Romeo and Juliet: a timeless tale of feuding families, fickle fate, and fatal flaws. Some may wonder what relevance William Shakespeare’s 400-year-old tale has to our young people today. This semester, our Year 9 students have embarked on a journey to find out.
Distilling the play to its most essential elements, Eagles Nest Theatre Co. presented a 3-person rendition of Shakespeare's most performed play, supporting our students to envisage the life and lyricism behind the unfamiliar vernacular. Fast-paced, funny and filled with rapid costume changes, students were engaged in the comedy, the tragedy, and the palpable awkwardness of teenage devotion.
Here is what students had to say about the experience:
It was great how they involved the audience, it was a good way to get us all on board. It helped me understand more about the themes of the play and what it was all about.
Lily Burrows (Year 9, Stewart House)
I really liked how they cut it down to just the most important bits. It was a good way to study it.
Alicia Deans (Year 9, Stewart House)
Following the performance, students participated in an interactive workshop, enabling them to delve into the myriad of perspectives that shape people’s interpretations of the text. Actors re-performed scenes with altered character interpretations, exposing students to the influence of an individual’s viewing lens. They also had the opportunity to question the actors about their roles in the play. Through these conversations, students explored whether Romeo and Juliet were really in love, what role fate played in the tragic events, and who was ultimately responsible for their untimely deaths.
This was an immensely valuable learning opportunity for students, enhancing students’ analytical and critical thinking on the themes within the narrative. This experience aptly supports the work students have been undertaking as they head toward their Text Response Essay CAT. We look forward to offering this opportunity again in future years.
MADDILYNE BAILLIE, Literacy Learning Specialist
Year 9 Exams
The information below outlines arrangements for the upcoming Year 9 Exams.
The timetabled exams will appear on each students Compass schedule. Students are expected to attend their normal classes when an exam is not running. Attendance is compulsory.
Year 9 Exams
Monday 13 November period 2. English - Room 101
Tuesday 14 November period 2. Maths - Room 101
Year 9 Catch-Up Exams
Wednesday 15 November period 4. Rooms 916 - 917
Examination rules at Year 9 mirror expectations set by the VCAA for VCE Exams. See below for these guidelines.
It is important that the Year 9 Exams are conducted in accordance with the rules as specified below:
Arrive at least 10 minutes before your exam and assemble in the canteen courtyard near Junior school. You will be called in by your core class.
You will not be allowed to leave the examination room until the end of the scheduled finishing time for each exam.
Students must bring their own writing equipment, calculator, erasers, ruler, etc. These must be carried and stored in a clear plastic pocket. Pencil cases and bags are not to be brought to the examination room.
Students may not bring into the examination mobile phones, smart watches or other types of music or electronic communication devices.
Water bottles may be brought into the examination but must meet the following conditions:
- The water is in a clear plastic bottle (no label).
- The bottle has a secure lid.
- The water bottle must not be placed on the desk at any time.
- Water bottles must be not re-filled during the examination.
- Water bottles must not be shared between students.
Please take particular note of the following rules regarding conduct.
During any examination you must not:
- Have in your possession any book or notes or blank paper other than approved materials or any other resources that would improperly help you in your work.
- Have in your possession any electronic device (including mobile phones and electronic dictionaries) apart from calculators (for those subjects in which they are permitted).
- Directly or indirectly help any other student.
- Permit any other student to copy from or otherwise use your papers.
- Directly or indirectly accept help from any other student.
- Use any papers or equipment of any other student.
- Behave in a manner that disrupts other students.
Consequences for breach of conditions:
- Any students that do not follow the above conditions or behave in a manner that causes disruption to others will be removed from the exam setting and required to do their examination in the Middle School Office.
If you are allowed to use a dictionary in the examinations, you must provide your own.
The use of dictionaries in examinations is subject to the following conditions:
- A dictionary may not contain any additional material that may help you in the examination of the subject concerned.
- The supervisor at the examination room has the authority to inspect your dictionary.
Students must use the approved calculator in their mathematics examinations. Please ensure that you bring your own calculator with a fully charged battery. No batteries or calculators will be supplied during the exam.
Subject Selections 2024
Thank you to all Year 8 and 9 families for submitting subject selections for Year 9 and 10, 2024.
Now that everyone has entered their selections we can begin the complex process of creating a timetable and allocating students to classes. As you can imagine, this is a time-consuming process and will take a number of weeks to complete.
Students should be emailed their 2024 subjects towards the middle of Term 4.
ROSS MCKINNON, Middle School Coordinator