Parent & Carers Information

Payment of Accounts
Please note that most school payments can now be made on Compass through the Payment Centre on your Compass Parent Portal. The last day of the school year to make any family payments by cash or credit card will be Monday 18 December, 2023.
There will be no cash or credit card payments accepted at the General Office on Tuesday 19 or Wednesday 20 December 2023.
Over the Term 4 school holiday closure, families can continue to make payments via the Payment Centre on Compass. Cash and credit card payments will resume again for 2024 when school reopens on Monday 29 January, 2024.
2024 School Council Approved Contributions
2024 School Council Approved Contributions letters have been published via Compass Newsfeed today with Contribution payments now open for Years 8 – 12 and Year 7 to be added in the coming weeks. Curriculum Contributions for Year 9 – 12 Electives are expected to be available to pay via Compass Events by mid November. We encourage families to take the time to log in to Compass to read the letters. Our preferred payment method for Year-level Contributions is via the Payments Centre on Compass. You can choose to pay Contributions in full or via a payment plan option of three instalments in February, March, and May. You will always be able to access the Compass Payments Centre, so alternatively you have the option of making a part payment now and further payments later in the school year.
Due to changes in the Parent Payment Policy and functionality within the Billing module of Compass, we regret that we are unable to allocate credits on family accounts towards School Contributions. Credits available on your account can either be allocated to outstanding account charges or refunded to a nominated bank account. You can action use of your credits by downloading and completing the 2024 Family Credit Allocation Refund Request Form from the Compass Newsfeed. Completed forms can be returned via email to to allow us to process your request.
If you have any queries regarding School Council Approved Contributions for 2024, please contact the General Office on 9430 5111 or via email,
Payment Process and Closing Dates for Excursions and Activities via Compass
Camps, excursions, and other school based activities that have a financial charge associated with them fall under the Extra-Curricular Items and Activities category of fees and are offered to students on a ‘user pays’ basis. They are offered in addition to the standard curriculum.
Cut off dates for payment and consent on Compass are set by the school to assist us in meeting our financial and duty of care requirements for each event. In support of meeting these obligations, we will not extend due dates for events or take late payments.
Administration staff send an email to families when the event is published and a reminder email five days prior to the event closing date. Students are also reminded by their classroom teachers about events and when payment and consent must be received. If payment or consent is not received by the due date, your child will be excluded from the activity and will be supervised by teachers at school.
If you have received CSEF funding and would like to allocate it towards a Compass Event, or have credit on your family statement that you would like to use, please contact Jacinta D’Avoine (Revenue Administrator) 9430 5118 or email to arrange for the allocation to be processed.
Please ensure that if payment is made via CSEF, credit allocation or an alternate method to Compass, please ensure that you consent via Compass prior to the closing date once the allocation has been made or payment has been receipted by the school.
If you are having issues accessing Compass, please contact the school for assistance. Thank you for your support with this matter.
CATHERINE ZERNA, Finance Manager
Lost Property
Lost property is filling up. If you have lost anything from clothing, jewellery, pencil cases, shoes to books, lunch boxes and drink bottles, please have a look through our lost property in First Aid.
Anything left at the end of the term will be donated to people in need.
FIONA CASEY, First Aid Officer
Canteen Announcements
2023 Term Dates
Term 4:
Starts: 2 October
Finishes: 19 December (Dependent on Year level)
2023 Clubs and Activities