Music Corner

School Music
Congratulations to our students who joined the parish community for the performance of Immaculate Mary this past Sunday. Your musical performances were not only solid but also wonderful, and it was an honour to have Father Brancik accompanying us on the organ. The Bishop was highly impressed by your musical talents and appreciated the fact that our small school can offer such enriching experiences to our children.
As we approach the commencement of our 2024 intake process, we're excited to announce that students currently in Years 2 and 3 will have the chance to explore a variety of musical instruments in the upcoming weeks. It's crucial for interested families to commit to this opportunity this year, as we need to order the instruments before the term's end to ensure they are ready for lessons in the first term of the next year. You can expect to receive a comprehensive letter containing detailed information about this process shortly.
Music plays a pivotal role in enhancing children's brain development and opens up countless future opportunities for them. We sincerely hope many of you will seize this opportunity, especially considering the significant discount provided.