Kinder/Year 1

This term has seen K1 explore Celebrations from around the world. This topic has connected our learning in History, Writing and Creative Arts. Later in the term, we will explore Christmas traditions around the world. In one activity in History, students explored what a corroboree is after learning about the annual Barunga Festival in the Northern Territory and becoming curious about the concept. After exploring images from historical sources as well as modern sources, we were able to better understand what was happening at Barunga and why it was a special celebration. In these pictures, students were asked to imagine what the old photo does not show us, and add details to help create the event in real space and time and colour.
HT-e1 A student demonstrates developing skills of historical inquiry and communication.
HT-1 A student communicates an understanding of change and continuity in family life using appropriate historical terms.
HT-2 A student demonstrates skills of historical inquiry and communication.