From the Assistant Principal

Sam Fleming

Greetings all. 


This week I continue sharing some fact sheets about popular apps children use, may soon use or may soon nag you to be able to use with the old "Butttt......everyone else is allowed!!!" . 


These fact sheets from the Carly Ryan Foundation aim not to tell you how to parent, but to inform you as to what they do, how they work, and the dangers and risks involved. As a parent of an 11 year old and 14 year old I well and truly know the battles involved with bringing kids up in a world full of apps. Hopefully these help you choose your battles and give you some of the ammunition.. err...information you may need along the way to do the best we can. 



Very popular among children, and very annoying in our household with the 20 second snapshots of music, sound, video nonsense (I sound like my own Dad!) echoing through the house from the secondary kid's phone, eventually driving us crazy. Not to mention the old: 

Me: "Oh, really? I'm not sure that's true. Where'd you learn that...?"

My kid: "Tik-Tok".


I know it has it's place in the world. Just in case for your world...


My eldest kid loves this. She mainly uses it as a faux-CAD architectural drafting tool, designing a whole host of elaborate mid-century modernism-inspired abodes for her character, but early days I was somewhat oblivious to what it was or the potential dangers until I read this: