From the Principal

Natalie Shanahan

Our staff have been very industrious behind the scenes preparing for 2024. Schools can be very busy places during term 4 as we simultaneously wind down one year and ramp up for the new one at the same time.


The first transition session for 2024 preps will be held next Friday morning. Parents are welcome to stay for a cuppa and chat in the gym. The Community Engagement Committee is also organising a second hand uniform sale for that time. 


The children are also well underway with preparations for the Carols afternoon on the 6th of December. Families are welcome to join us on the oval (weather permitting) from 5pm. BYO picnic blanket and afternoon tea/dinner.


Student Absences

Student absences for family holidays have really blown out this year. We are hoping this is just a legacy of the past few years and that absences will return to normal next year. In the meantime, I thought it might be timely to remind parents of the requirements.

Children are required to attend school every day and parents are required to provide an explanation for their child's absence. The principal must be able to determine if the excuse given was reasonable in terms of the parent meeting their legal obligations, in order to 'approve' the absence.

Where possible, parents should inform the school in advance of upcoming absences.

For more information on attendance please refer to the Education Department's Every Day Counts flyer later in the newsletter.


2024 Learning Communities

Next year we will be referring to our year level teams as 'Learning Communities'. This holistic approach enables all teachers in the community to work together to plan for the learning needs, and monitor the wellbeing needs, of all of the students in the community.  


Meet the 2024 teaching team...