Junior School

The Prep students had a marvellous time on their walking excursion on Tuesday 24th October.  We visted the Vermont South Library and the Vermont South Children's Centre!

On our walk, we had to cross some busy roads and we made sure we were holding an adult's hand and watching the crossing lights, as well as the cars to choose when it was safest to cross. 


At Vermont South Children's Centre, we ran a Q&A about life at school and taught the kindergaten children a French song, they then taught us a song in Auslan. The Weeden Heights students assisted the kindergarten kids to complete some activities and then we all had a play together outside. We are very excited to host the kindergarten children at our school when they visit on Monday 27th November.

At the Vermont Library, the Library Education Officer spoke to us about all the rules in a library and which libraries are in our network.


We then had a walk around and learnt about the Dewey System, how books are organised in a library and the role of a library within the community. 


Some students were already familiar with a library or had visited one during Story Time Sessions when they were younger.


We were fortunate enough to eat our lunch outside in the library courtyard!