Student Awards

Student of the Week

30 October 2023


For sharing his knowledge about changes within the environment throughout the seasons and remembering the matching months! Fabulous effort Caleb!



For his consistent contributions during mathematics lessons. You share your thoughts and attempt tricky problems on the board.  Keep it up, Rohan!


ALEX   ~

For his positive approach to learning this semester. Your discussion text on 'Why all Children Should go to School' included excellent reasons and supporting evidence. You are a superstar Alex!



For an entertaining and engaging speech in the public speaking competition. Well done on engaging with the audience, Rowland!



For the exceptional public speaking skills she demonstrated when presenting her talk in the level final. Congratulations on memorising your speech and utilising a range of persuasive devices, Erin!


Language Specialist Award  PREP

For taking turns, counting in French and finding the right food words when playing the Game of Goose. Amazing work Preps!


PE Specialist Award YEAR 1  ~

For improved listening skills and cooperatively participating in activities. 


Mathematic Specialist Award YEAR 5/6S  ~

For displaying inquisitive minds, well done!


STEAM Specialist Award YEAR 1  ~

For their excellent ideas on how to improve some items around our school.


Visual Arts Specialist Award PREP ~

For doing a great job using stencils and sponge applicators for the first time while producing a Halloween themed image.


Performing Arts Specialist Award YEAR 2

For creating a wide and interesting range of characters and introducing them to the class with enthusiasm.


6 November 2023



For starting to write simple sentences and sounding out the words to check they are written correctly. Wonderful effort Ashley!



For his persistence in working towards his learning goal of challenging himself in maths. Well done, Shaunak!



For her beautifully written and thoughtful Haiku poetry. Sasha, your control over your thematic choices and syllable rhythms was wonderful. Keep up the excellent work! 



For his personal independence and endeavour during swimming. Fantastic effort, Alex!



For confidently sharing your keen observations and understandings during our erosion investigation. Awesome effort Olivia!



For consistently challenging and extending himself in his learning and demonstrating personal excellence. Keep up the excellent work, Matheus!



For utilising a range of impressive strategies when solving very challenging problems. You are a highly competent mathematician, Olivia!


Language Specialist Award  YEAR 2

For using patterns learnt in class to be able to correctly name any French number between one and one hundred. Well done, Grade 2!


PE Specialist Award YEAR 3  ~

For their cooperation when participating in the dry land swimming activities.


Mathematic Specialist Award YEAR 5/6A  ~

For their inquisitive questions and consistent contributions during maths discussions.


STEAM Specialist Award YEAR 3  ~

For their enthusiasm and critical thinking skills about what happens to objects when they're warmed, cooled or frozen.