
Confirmation, Grandparents Liturgy & Socktober


Congratulations to the 25 Stage 3 students and three other children from our parish who received the Sacrament of Confirmation from Bishop Mark Edwards on Sunday 15th October. 


It was a very special occasion and completed the Sacraments of Initiation for those children. We pray that that gift of the Holy Spirit will lead them and help them grow in their Christian faith. We also pray that their families, their sponsors and our parish communities will continue to nurture the faith of these young people.


Grandparent's Liturgy

Last Friday we had a lovely liturgy celebrating the beautiful people we call our Grandparents. We felt blessed to see so many of our grandparents at the liturgy and hope they all enjoyed themselves. 


Each child in the school decorated love hearts for their grandparents and made such a wonderful display. 



This year we are called by Pope Francis to celebrate a global mission with our “Hearts on Fire, Feet on the Move”.  Each year, we are invited to be a part of this call to action through a variety of initiatives, including the popular Socktober program. This year we’re raising funds for projects in Timor-Leste


Our Fundraiser will take place this Friday afternoon. This year each child will have the opportunity to create their own sock puppet. 


We would love to take all of those holey or odd socks that you can't find a friend for off your hands and give them a new life. 


Please send any socks you have into school this week. 


On Friday we will also be collecting gold coins to donate to Catholic Mission to support mission projects for people in need around the world.


Thank you for your support. 


Dates for your Diary

Fri 10th November: 

9:30am Mass - Kinder and Stage 1


Fri 24th November:

9:30am Mass - Stages 2 & 3


Thurs 7th December:

9:30am - Whole School Giving and End of Year Mass.