Grade 5/6

Mr Watts and Mr Ward

Integrated Studies

Bizarre Bazaar is in full swing. Our Integrated topic this term involves our students to identify the impact of creativity through the skills of designing, building, and improving. They are in the process of creating a product to sell at our Grand Bazaar (a market) which all money raised will go toward a charity. We have discussed how accuracy and precision effects our outcomes and why it is important to review our plans to make them better.

Our typical warm up for Bizarre Bazaar are our "Creative Crackers", these allow our students to think creatively and given reason behind their opinions/thoughts. 

Thea - 29 so i can travel around Australia.

Billi - Invisible, so i can "take" lollies from shops without anyone knowing. 

Milly - We can help more people, we can get them to the hospital quicker or give them treatment. 

Nayt - Selling blood, you don't see that on a daily basis. You can just say to people, I am selling blood, let me know. 


In the 5/6 rooms, our students have been creating narratives in our writing sessions. We have been exploring figurative language, complex sentences, punctuation and other writing techniques to prepare us for our writing day. Our recent 'Writers Notebook' task, we created plots that allows us to identify what a story is be about. We created plots for a horror, drama and comedy story. 

Our writing day is next Wednesday, we will again allow students to dress as a theme they will be writing about, bring extra food to graze away and create a warm and welcoming classroom for our students to be successful. 



This term is our last one with our Y6 and Prep buddies! We will be getting together every fortnight to have fun and do some creative activities. 

Last session, we drew portraits of each other!