Grade 3/4 News

Loving learning every day with Miss Stephan, Mrs Jacobs and Miss Mawby!

Special help from Mr Reid, Mrs Harrison and Miss Linda.

Mentor Texts in the 3/4 Classroom


As part of our literacy block, the 3/4 team use mentor texts to engage students with topics and to give them high-quality examples of texts that use a variety of literacy devices. This term we have been using the text Give Bees a Chance, to explore persuasive writing, and the language and strategies that writers use to try and convince the reader of their point of view. 


We use mentor texts to show students what good writers do, and give students exposure to different forms of writing, so that they can explore texts with purpose and focus, in order to develop and improve their own writing. Mentor texts can be used to teach about specific text structures, such as persuasive, narrative, and  information texts, as well as the features specific to that type of text. 


In Give Bees a Chance, we have explored the difference between facts and opinions, rhetorical questions, and using punctuation to emphasise our writing. The next step in our learning is to create our own persuasive text on why we should (or shouldn't) give bees a chance.

Give Bees a Chance

The 3/4s have chosen sides, and are just now starting to plan their persuasive writing piece. Here some examples of our plans:




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