Grade 1/2

Mrs McBride, Miss Sully & Mr Shuttleworth, with special help from Miss Jenni.


1/2's are learning about the correct structure that is needed to plan and create a persuasive text. We are using bump it walls and plenty of worked examples to explore the improvements we can make individually to improve our writing. We have also been looking at improving our overall writing and sentence structure by including text connectives.














In 1/2A, we have been exploring persuasive arguments through an activity called Agree/Disagree, where students will pick a position on a topic and defend their stance to the class. This has helped us to formulate ideas to use in our writing. We have each completed our first draft of a persuasive essay on the topic “All Children Should Play Weekend Sport”. We are very proud of our work and have shared our writing with the class. We are working towards adding more detail to back up our reasoning for each point. 


1/2B investigated the power of advertising as a persuasive device. Looking at ads from Isuzu, Samsung and McDonald's. Practising critiquing the ads and looking for all the different ways the marketing company tried to persuade us to buy the product. 


In Maths, we are continuing our work on fractions. We have been exploring fractions as an equal part of one whole and an equal part of a collection. Students have been using physical learning tools and ICT programs to develop their understanding of fraction concepts. 


Our focus has been about dealing with things that worry us. From small every day obsticles to big challenges that make us feel unwell. we have discussed how these worries in our minds can make us feel sick in our bodies until we do something to stop the worry. Some things we can do are talk to an adult, draw a picture, do some deep breathing exercises or go for a walk. 

Here is a link to the book 1/2B's looked at this week. Wilma Jean the worry machine.