Year 4 Camp

I liked the giant swing because it was fun when you pulled the rope it felt like you were falling. You could also spot lots of kangaroos. There was a giant flying fox that went over the lake. By Amelia 4H


Giant swing, fresh air, fun!

Flying Fox - A fun zipline with a good view.

Food and Drinks - Snow cones, hotdogs, spaghetti, cereal and sandwiches.

Rock Climbing - Challenging, but fun.

Canoeing - Awesome. We played a game. Team work!

Commando - Hide and seek in the bushes at night.

Bedtime - Was our talking time! By Zacharias 4H


My highlight was the giant swing and the flying fox since you go high up and then swing up and down. You should absolutely go as there are tons of fun activities. By Penellope 4H


The highlight for me was the giant swing because of the beautiful view and going over the trees. I would tell future Year 4s to attend camp because there are fun activities and snow cones. By Anreu 4H


My highlight for the Great Aussie Bush Camp was Commando. This is because it was scary, intense, fun and extreme! I would tell future kids to attend because it will be the best camp. It’s expensive, but worth the money. By Marcus 4H


My highlight was the giant swing. I would tell future Year 4s that it is an amazing experience.

By Taylor 4H


My highlight was playing Commando at night because it was different experience. I I would tell future Year 4 students that it is really fun and you should definitely go.

By Luca 4H