Parent Workshop

Ms H. Lee - Assistant Principal Curriculum and Instruction

Our final parent workshop for this year was on Thursday, 9th November, 2023. It was fantastic to talk and learn with all the parents who attended. 


We engaged in rich conversations about the importance of working mathematically and building every child's numeracy skills. This includes developing our children's number sense, understanding of concepts across a range of contexts and transferring their knowledge into real world examples.


As a group, we all had fun at having a go at some activities that our students experience in classrooms. It was clear that learning occurs best in groups and it was exciting to collaborate with others.


Thank you to all the parents who have attended our parent workshops this year. Mrs Krishan and I look forward to many more next year. Please contact the office with any questions you may have relating to curriculum. Mrs Krishan and I would be happy to answer them for you.


See you around the school and enjoy the rest of Term 4!