Principal's Report

D. Donatiello

Multicultural Day

Last Wednesday, we celebrated Multicultural Day. This is an important annual event at our school, when we come together to recognise and appreciate the many cultures that contribute to our wonderful school. It is an opportunity to promote acceptance and inclusion.

The highlight of the day was the Multicultural Day Assembly. The performances by various groups were outstanding. I would like to thank all the performers for spending many lunch and recess breaks rehearsing for their items; it definitely paid off! Thank you to our staff for giving up their break times to create and practice routines. Their hard work and dedication to our students is appreciated by the entire school community.

Orientation and Transition for Preschool and Kindergarten 2024

We are holding Preschool Orientation visits for children and their families this week and Monday of next week. 

Our second Kindergarten Orientation will be held next week, on Thursday 23 November from 12.40 until 1.40pm.

Reminder for students applying for Selective High School placement for 2025

The application process has begun for Year 5 students to apply to sit the Selective High School test. Applications opened on 9 October and will close on 20 November 2023. Parents of Year 5 students should submit their applications promptly. 

For more information on the application process go to:

Quote for Week 6:

"We may have different religions, different languages, different coloured skin, but we all belong to one human race.”

Kofi Annan