Parent Reminders

Updating Family Details on Compass
It is important that the school always has your current contact details including address and telephone numbers contact numbers. To notify of any recent changes, please update via the compass app.
Carer Pick-ups
We have seen an increase in different carers collecting students this term. Just a reminder of the process we have
- if there is a change in pick up please make sure you let your child's teacher know via SEESAW, home school book or the office at 97434966
- if your child has a new carer please make sure they arrive early enough to park and register at the office - we will call parents to confirm
- new carers need their Working with Children Check, their agency ID and their driver's licence.
- if we do not have any notification that your child is to leave with a person other than the usual pick-up, we will call families for permission.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact the office.