
The Light of the World

People show emotion in so many ways, this is probably why videos of babies tasting new things goes viral. When we reflect on the Nativity story, we can see a myriad of emotions. 


Early in the story we hear about the time that Mary visited Elizabeth. The baby in Elizabeth’s tummy who we know was John the Baptist has a positive physical reaction to the sound of Mary’s voice.


Elizabeth’s response is an expression of the presence of the Holy Spirit, who fills her. Elizabeth and baby John receive knowledge from the Lord about what is true, the Messiah is here in their home and the Messiah is in young Mary’s womb.


The people of Israel longed for a Savior. Some envisioned a king like David, the mighty warrior and humble songwriter who slew a giant when he was just a boy. Some believed he might be a leader like Moses, or a man of power like Elijah. How would the people know when their Savior had come? How would the people know the real thing from a phony?


From the start, the light of Jesus shone so bright. Elizabeth’s baby leapt for joy when Elizabeth met with Mary, who was pregnant with Jesus. Elizabeth’s baby was super excited and knew Jesus was the light of the world.

Before he ever saw the light of day, it was clear that Jesus would be the light shining bright in this dark world.


Elizabeth believed it when the baby in her womb leaped for joy. Joseph, Mary’s husband, believed it when an angel visited him. The night Jesus was born, some shepherds nearby believed it when angels shared the news with them. 


One by one, the word began to spread. Jesus was the light who would shine bright in the darkness.