Spiritual Connections

Loving God,
We lift our hearts to You.
Behold, you make echoes in our hearts:
“I make all things new!”
Renew our lives, cleans our spirits, and guide us with Your love.
In Your loving transformation, may we find strength, hope, and everlasting joy.
FIRE Carriers Commissioning:
Last Monday, 13th May, the Grade Five children were commissioned as FIRE (Friends Igniting Reconciliation through Education) Carriers for our school, along with Miss Brown and Mr McDowall. Michael Chisholm from CES Sandhurst joined us for this special occasion and led the commissioning of our new FIRE carriers.
To be a FIRE Carrier is to exercise an important leadership role in the school community. FIRE carriers are students and teachers that share a passion for learning about Aboriginal culture and history and are committed to sharing this knowledge and promoting reconciliation within and beyond the school community. The aim of the FIRE Carrier Project is to promote respect, fairness and inclusion for Aboriginal people.
Congratulations to all who were commissioned at this ceremony. A special thankyou to Michael Chisholm for being with us and also to Miss Lagozzino for preparing the children and organising the ceremony.
Catholic Identity Review:
Last week, three representatives from Catholic Education Sandhurst spent the day at Sacred Heart Primary School, completing a review into our Catholic Identity. This process of review takes place every four years. Colleen Hampson, David Walker and Dolly Gerges met with different groups across the school; student leaders, teachers, members of the leadership team and parents. This was an opportunity for each group to share their own experience of Religious Education and Catholic Identity at Sacred Heart, as well as an opportunity to suggest ways to continue developing our school’s approach. Members of the panel also started the day by joining classes across the school for morning prayer. A big thankyou to all who helped make the process a great success. We look forward to sharing in the future some of the goals we have set from this process.
Next School-led liturgy –
Sunday 26th May, 10:30am
Congratulations to Nate McConnaughie who made his First Reconciliation last Friday in the church. Nate was sick when the Reconciliation ceremony took place at the end of last term. The 3/4 Unit, as well as Nate’s mum, came across to the church with Nate to support him on this special occasion.
Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Mass
On Friday 7th June, the whole school will celebrate the Feast of the Most Sacred Heart, our school feast day. All families are most welcome to come along and celebrate with us - Mass will be at 9:15am in the church.
Traditionally as a part of this feast day, we ask for donations of non-perishable food and personal supplies that can be given to the Society of St Vincent de Paul to support families in need in our community.
The members of the Social Justice Leadership Team have suggested a range of different items to donate if families wish to do so.
Foundation Unit: Cereals / Breakfast Foods.
1/2 Unit: Toiletries - tooth paste, deodorant, tooth brush, shampoo, conditioner.
3/4 Unit: Tissues, toilet paper, non perishable canned food: - baked beans, spaghetti, fruit, rice, soups, pasta.
5/6 Unit: Tissues, toilet paper, non perishable canned food: - baked beans, spaghetti, fruit, rice, soups, pasta.
Other items that can be donated include second hand clothes, toys, books, blankets, gloves, beanies, colouring books and pencils.
Collection baskets will be placed in the entrance foyer for donated goods to be placed in. Thankyou for your support of this important appeal which is part of our Catholic tradition.
Term 2 Events/Dates:
Sunday 26th May | School-led Parish Mass 10:30am |
Monday 27th - Friday 31st May | Reconciliation Week |
Friday 31st May | 3/4 Unit attend Parish Mass |
Friday 7th June | Whole School Mass - Feast of the Sacred Heart |
Friday 14th June | 1/2 Unit attend Parish Mass |
Friday 21st June | Foundation and 5/6 Units attend Parish Mass |
More information about specific events will be communicated closer to the dates.
Kind regards,
Tony McDonald.