School Calendar

2024 Term Dates

Term 2 Monday 15th April - Friday 28th June
Term 3Monday 15th July - Friday 20th September
Term 4Monday 7th October - Friday 20th December

2024 Pupil Free Days

Thursday 27th JuneProfessional Development Day
Friday 28th JuneCurriculum Day
Thursday 15th AugustProfessional Development Day
Friday 16th AugustProfessional Development Day
Monday 9th December2025 Planning Day
Friday 20th December2025 Planning Day


2024 School Calendar

Term 2
Friday 24thAssembly 2:40pm
Sunday 26thParish Mass 10:30am
Friday 31st 

Assembly 2:40pm

Fortnightly Direct Debit

Wednesday 5thFoundation 'Milo's' Birthday Celebration
Thursday 6thMonthly Direct Debit
Friday 7th

Feast of the Sacred Heart

Mass 9:15am

Monday 10thKing's Birthday Public Holiday
Friday 14thFortnightly Direct Debit
Tuesday 25thParent Teacher Interviews
Wednesday 26th

Parent Teacher Interviews

Last Day Term 2 

Dismissal 3:20pm 

Thursday 27thPupil Free Day
Friday 28th

Pupil Free Day

Fortnightly Direct Debit