Learning News


Kindergarten have engaged in some fantastic writing this week. The children have grown confidence to write simple sentences that describe a character. This week, Kindergarten read the storybook, Feathers for Phoebe by Rod Clement. Phoebe is a small, grey bird who is not very good at getting noticed. She visits Zelda’s beauty shop to buy a new crest, wings and tail to help her get noticed. At the end of the story, we learn that Phoebe is amazing just the way she is. The children have enjoyed acting out the funny storyline. We then drew our own Phoebe birds and decorated them with colourful pastels and feathers. Students wrote their own sentences describing Phoebe and her crest, tail, wings and feathers. Amazing work Kindergarten! 

Miss Fraser


Year 1

To celebrate Laudato Si’ Week, Year 1 has been learning about how we can better look after our environment by recycling. We first looked at the different types of bins at our school, and the Year 1 students were surprised to learn about the 10 Cent Return Bin. We then investigated what materials can go into the yellow recycling bin and discovered that paper, plastic (if its size is bigger than a gift card), glass and cardboard can be recycled. Year 1 have learned about the recycling symbol and the 10c symbol and have made better choices about where to put their rubbish. Next the students made posters to help other children in the school use the bins better and they will be going on the school’s yellow bins. Finally, we recycled old plastic bottles and turned them into new piggy banks. Excellent work this week Year 1! You have been fantastic stewards of creation and environmental champions! 

Miss Myers and Mrs G.

Year 3/4

In Mathematics, Year 3/4 have been learning to compare two-dimensional (2D) shapes and describe their features so as to recognise signs and symbols within the world around them.  Students began the unit by reviewing their previously learnt 2D shapes in a range of creative activities such as Mr Squiggle. Year 3/4 learnt about what makes a 2D shape a quadrilateral and how to identify parallel lines in a shape. Students then explored how to combine common 2D shapes to form other common shapes, e.g. 6 triangles joined can form a hexagon. Amazing work this week designing with 2D shapes Year 3/4! 

Miss Maunder 

Year 5

 A new week and a new Maths topic! Year 5 are currently learning about decimals. To begin our unit we have looked at the place value of numbers that are up to three decimal places. To build our understanding of decimal place value, the students used MAB blocks to represent each decimal place and to recreate numbers. Here are some fantastic examples of our work.

Year 6

In Year 6 History, we have been learning about the colonisation of Australia. In particular, students have been looking at the impact of introduced flora and fauna on the Australian environment and native species. Students created wanted posters for a specific introduced species, and researched why it had been introduced, what the impact was on the environment and how it is being managed. Historical work Year 6! 

Miss Summerell

Oliver Shorter
Leah Kelly
Susie Davidson
Oliver Shorter
Leah Kelly
Susie Davidson