Mission and Religious Education

Jacquelene Cronin

Assistant Principal - Mission

Mission and Religious Education


Trinity Sunday

On Sunday 26 May we celebrated Trinity Sunday. On this day we focused on the three persons in our one God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


Family Mass and the Feast of Corpus Christi

At the 8.30am Mass on Sunday 2 June the Parish is celebrating Families. Families are invited to come and be a part of the celebrations and family members are invited to read, take up the offertory, and altar servers are encouraged to serve. Following Mass there will be a cup of tea. It would be appreciated if you could bring a plate to share. To help with the preparations, please contact the school if your family would like to have a special role at Mass as mentioned above. Thank you. Sunday is also the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ or Corpus Christi. On this Sunday each year we especially focus how Jesus is truly present in the appearance of bread and wine


Catholic Schools’ Week

This week Monday 27 May - Friday 31 May is Catholic Schools Week. and this year’s theme is Pray with Hope. During the week we will be celebrating all of the wonderful gifts of Catholic Education. On Tuesday 28 May Stage 3 students will be attending this year’s Catholic Schools Week Mass in Tamworth with other schools in the Southern Deanery. On Friday 31 May we will be celebrating as a school community, commencing with Mass at 9.30am, followed by lots of fun with different activities and games and finishing our celebrations with a BBQ lunch. 


Connecting With Our Parish

We encourage all of our families to celebrate Sunday Mass with our parish.

Manilla Parish Mass Times

1st & 5th Sunday of the month - Sunday 8.30am

2nd, 3rd & 4th Sunday of the month - Saturday 5.00pm

Attunga Mass Times

2nd, 4th & 5th Sunday of the month - Sunday 12 noon


Living Well, Learning Well - Pastoral Care and Wellbeing 

Legends of the Light Shine 

Our Legends of the Light Shine focus for the next 2 weeks is “Peacemaker”. Being a peacemaker is an important skill to learn and a positive character attribute to foster. It reinforces our school rules for life to be people who show care and respect for themselves and others.


Laudato Si’ Week

Last week we celebrated Laudato Si’ Week with a number of wonderful activities including our Laudato Si’ Mass, sharing books with an environmental theme, craft using recycled and repurposed materials, reflective leaf drawing to look closely at how amazing creation is and planting seedlings.

Mikayla’s leaf drawings
Mikayla’s leaf drawings


"Let Your Light Shine” support others to let their light shine and remember “We Shine Brighter Together”

Jacquelene Cronin

Assistant Principal - Mission