
Birthdays and Awards


Happy birthday to Cydi Vaisey, Alexis James, Lillian Squire, Eden Joyce and Logan Burrows who have celebrated their birthday recently. We hope you enjoyed a wonderful day.


Merit Awards

Coa Rae: great work in "Drop Everything and Write".

Patricia Town: trying her best in InitaLit this week.

Clancy Burrows: showing great sportsmanship in Oztag.

Makayla Wilcox: persistence in games at the Netball Gala Day.

Isaac Marshman: commendable sportsmanship at the Netball Gala Day.

Alice Kelly: excellent hard work in sentence writing!

Oliver Maughan: for showing great mathematical skills.

Billy Taber: fantastic contributions to English discussions.

William Fleming: consistently working hard during Maths.

Nulla Gillon: persevering to compare percentages, fractions and decimals.

Merit Award Recipients
Merit Award Recipients
Merit Award Recipients
Merit Award Recipients

Legends of the Light Shine Awards

         Chase Catlett, Cameron Burge, Mikayla Squire, Bryce Mitchell, Chelsea Holden, Mason Dowsett, Thomas Aurisch, Mason Johnston, Sophie Eykamp, Josie Duff and Blake Beattie.

Legends of the Light Shine Award Recipients
Legends of the Light Shine Award Recipients
Legends of the Light Shine Award Recipients
Legends of the Light Shine Award Recipients

                                                                       Laudato Si' Award

   Michael Maughan, Logan Burrows and Mrs McNeill.

Laudato Si' Award Recipient
Laudato Si' Award Recipients
Laudato Si' Award Recipient
Laudato Si' Award Recipients

Reading Awards

Max Coombes, Jack Sullivan, Qunesha Sing-Adams, Alyria McCormick, Sylvia Herle, Darcy Coker, Billy Agnew, Cora-Jane Martin, Stella Agnew and Piper Browning.

Reading Award Recipients
Reading Award Recipients
Reading Award Recipients
Reading Award Recipients