Excursion - Sovereign Hill

Year 5

Sovereign Hill

Year 5 students had a wonderful day exploring Sovereign Hill as part of their study into the Australian Gold Rush. They learnt how to pan for gold and partook in a 'Living in the Past' program, where they learnt about artefacts and how people lived in the 1850s, as well as having a go using ink and nib to write with. They had time to explore the town and even do a little shopping!


Below is an account from some of the students in 5K and 5W:


At Sovereign Hill we learnt about what they used in the olden days and that you call your teacher Marm. We also learnt gold panning. When we went gold panning we could only find flecks but it was still a great experience. The water was so cold! 


When we were walking around the town we noticed how different the style of the town was and the people were dressed up in old fashioned but elegant clothes. We went inside people's houses and saw lots of animals. There was a bowling alley towards the top of the town and the lane was super long - it was awesome! Also, the lollies were amazing!' 


Written By Millie, Josh, Evelyn, Aahana and Sadie


More photos can be seen on the shared Google Drive, using your child's Google login.