From Kylie Morrissey

Deputy Principal - Catholic Identity and Community

Sacramental Program

It was delightful to see eleven St Augustine's families at the Sacramental Program Information Evening on Thursday 16 May. The evening was led by St Augustine's Parish Sacramental Team who always do a wonderful job of organising materials and forming the students in readiness to receive each of the Sacraments. If any families missed the evening and would like to find out more about receiving any of the Sacraments, please contact Mary Zobec, Pastoral Assistant at the Parish by emailing


Laudato Si Week

This week, our College Community has celebrated Laudato Si Week - a time to be reminded of the need for both personal and cultural transformation amidst our ecological and climate crises. Laudato Si is the name given to Pope Francis' 2015 encyclical (letter)  that translates to "Praise Be to You" in English. It comes from the beginning of the Canticle of the Sun, a famous prayer written by St. Francis of Assisi, who is known for his deep connection to nature and creation.

Our SIMON Daily Prayers have explored this theme this week. Families can continue to support us by packing nude food lunch boxes free of soft plastic packaging. We are seeing an improvement in the quantity of litter around our College grounds and this can continue to be improved by reducing the amount of waste brought to school. Things that we find littered about the place are things like chip packets and snap lock bags. Finally, our College has developed it's own Laudato Si Action Plan that you might like to familiarise yourself with this Laudato Si Week. You'll notice some things we have accomplished, and areas for us to keep working at!



Kylie Morrissey

Deputy Principal

Catholic Identity & Community