From the Principal

Dear Parents and Caregivers,


I hope that the term has been a positive one for you and your family.


Open Day / Information Evening

I am thrilled to share the success of our recent Foundation to Year 12 Open Day and Information Evening! The event was a vibrant showcase of our College's unique spirit and exceptional educational offerings. We welcomed a diverse group of prospective families who were eager to explore our facilities, meet our dedicated staff, and learn about our comprehensive curriculum. The Open Day and Information Evening was filled with presentations, interactive activities, and enthusiastic conversations, all of which highlighted the welcoming and supportive community at our College. Thank you to everyone who contributed to making this event a resounding success.


Year 9 - 11 2025 Subject Selection Information Evening

I am also delighted to announce the success of our Year 9 to 11 Subject Selection Information Evening! The event provided an invaluable opportunity for students and parents to gain insights into the wide range of subjects and pathways available at St Augustine's College. Our passionate teachers shared information on course content, expectations, and future opportunities. Thank you to all who attended and contributed to making the evening such a positive and informative experience. We are excited about the bright futures our students are shaping here at the College!


Performing Arts Recital

St Augustine’s celebrated an outstanding Performing Arts Recital! The evening was a magnificent display of the talent and dedication of our students. The BC was filled with an audience who were treated to a diverse program that showcased the hard work and creativity of our young performers. I extend a heartfelt thanks to the students, staff, and families who made this event possible, and we look forward to more inspiring performances in the future.



St Augustine’s Playgroup is held each Wednesday morning from 9:15am - 10:30am. Our Playgroup provides a fun and safe environment for children to learn, play and socialise with their peers. Through our play-based program, children will develop their social, emotional, cognitive and physical skills in a nurturing and supportive environment. If you are interested in attending our Playgroup with your three to five year old children, or if you know of anyone who may be interested in joining the St Augustine’s Playgroup, you are most welcome. Further information can be obtained by contacting Peta Bibby. 


Jay Sutton
