Careers and Pathways

Term 2 has already been a big one for Careers & Pathways with a number of exciting events taking place!
Trade & Tech Fit Career Expo
In week 4 we had a number of female students from Years 7 to 12 attend the Trade & Tech Fit Career Expo. The purpose of the expo was to provide a safe and equitable space for female and gender-diverse students to explore exciting careers in traditionally male-dominated industries.
This was an amazing experience, allowing our female students hands-on, interactive experiences, with the opportunity to meet and discuss career and pathway opportunities with over 100 exhibitors from a wide range of areas including:
- building, construction & engineering
- refrigeration, electrical & plumbing
- automotive, marine, aviation & aerospace
- solar & wind clean energy
- foundry & mining
- transport & logistics
- agriculture & horticulture
- gaming, cloud & robotics
- civil assets management & infrastructure
- defence, essential services & fire protection
We are already planning to attend the expo again in 2025 and are excited to see the participation from our female and gender-diverse students.
National Careers Week
Monday May 13th to Friday May 17th was a week of celebration for Careers & Pathways at Edgars Creek. National Careers Week is an initiative of the Career Industry Council of Australia, that celebrates careers, career development, career development services, career development practitioners and promotes the economic, social, and personal benefits of career development.
We raised aspirations, challenged stereotypes and broadened horizons through a variety of activities and competitions throughout the week, both in the classroom and out. Below is a list of our flagship events that occurred:
Lunchtime Spotlights
Every lunchtime within this week, students were invited to take a deep dive into a different career area each day and explore what kinds of jobs are available, what skills are needed and the plethora of pathway options available to students. There were also some sweet treat prizes up for grabs to the winners of our daily mini games.
This year we shined the spotlight on business and law, the creative industries, medicine and allied health, trade pathways, and science and engineering. Join us next year for a new range of spotlights and a fresh batch of games and prizes!
Guess Who?!?
The grand competition of the week with the biggest prize up for grabs!
Everyone's pathway and career journey is different, it's a weird and wonderful world out there full of opportunity.
With 10 different stories from staff and teachers at Edgars Creek, students were invited to work out which of the staff and teachers these stories belonged to.
A huge congratulations to Sameer A who made 7 correct matches and won a $30 Ultimate Teen Gift Card!
My Career Insights & Morrisby
Our Year 9 students have begun their Morrisby program for 2024. Morrisby is a multi-stage program that looks at students strengths, aspirations and interests to produce an individualised report and a one-on-one Career Counselling session to identify career areas of interest and highlight the pathway options.
Students who are participating are now completing the profiling stage, with the reports and one-on-one interviews to come in week 8 of Term 2.
This is a great opportunity for students to investigate and explore their future career paths in preparation for their Senior School years.
VET Discovery Expo
Students undertaking their Senior Secondary studies have the opportunity to undertake a VET subject as part of their program. VET is a nationally recognised TAFE qualification that provides students with hands-on experiences and skills that they can take into the work force and/or further study while also contributing to their VCE studies.
The Hume Whittlesea Local Learning and Employment Network, hosted the first ever VET Discovery Expo on Thursday 30th June where students were given the opportunity to meet with employers, apprenticeship/traineeships groups, tertiary institutions and other service providers and explore all of the training and employment pathways that VET can offer.
More than 60 ECSC students from years 10, 11 and 12 attended and displayed incredible networking skills as they interacted with many stall holders, gathering information, and trying out their skills as various activity stalls. Feedback from both students and expo stall holders were overwhelmingly positive. Our year 10 and 11 students are now able to reflect on this experience when making their senior course and subject selections early next term. For our year 12’s, they can utilise the information and network connections they’ve established when planning their next steps after VCE. We look forward to attending again next year!
Year 10 into 11 Course Selection Day
A reminder that on Wednesday July 24th, all Year 10 classes will be cancelled to facilitate Course Selection Day. Bookings are NOW OPEN via Compass. All students are required to attend with their families to submit their course and subject selections for 2025.
An information night will be held on Wednesday July 17th. This night is vital for students and families to understand what Year 11 looks like and what pathways are available. Bookings for this information night are now open and can be made at:
All Year 10 students will be focusing on exploring their options during their Careers & Pathways classes for the remainder of Term 2, and will be given the time to complete a Pre-Course Selection Assignment, where they will investigate their tertiary pathways and prerequisites in order to make informed decisions about their course selections.
Students and families who wish to discuss their course and subject selections are invited to reach out to Jacqui. Jacqui is available for Course Counselling prior to Course Selection Day. Bookings can be made via the ECSC careers website:
Careers & Pathways Bookings
For those looking to have a chat, Careers & Pathways has a new home in the LC Building. The Careers & Pathways Office is located next to LC.1.14. As mentioned above, bookings can be made online via the ECSC careers website. Alternatively, the door is always open for walk-ins during recess and lunch times.
Looking forward to an even bigger Term 3 and 4 with many more events to come!
Jacqui Hunter
Careers & Pathways Leader