Middle School Report

As the Acting Assistant Principal, it gives me immense pleasure to share with you the numerous positives and achievements within our vibrant Middle School community. Our students have shown remarkable growth, enthusiasm, and dedication across all year levels, making our school a dynamic and inspiring place to learn and grow.
From the energetic participation of our Year 7s in home group competitions and inter-school sports, to the outstanding creativity and commitment of our Year 8s in Visual Arts and Food Technology, and the impressive display of our Year 9s during their City Experience, our students continue to exemplify the values we hold dear at our school.
Looking ahead, we have an array of exciting events and activities planned that promise to enrich our students' learning experiences even further. We eagerly anticipate upcoming inter-school tournaments, artistic showcases, community service projects, and various other engaging programs designed to foster growth, resilience, and a sense of community.
Stay tuned for more updates and join us in celebrating the ongoing successes of our Middle School students. Together, we are building a strong foundation for their future endeavors.
Samantha Smith
Acting Assistant Principal - Middle School
Year 7
Our Year 7 students have had a fantastic start to the year, establishing themselves as confident and enthusiastic learners. They have embraced the Middle School environment with energy and dedication. One of the highlights has been their participation in home group competitions, where they've shown great teamwork and school spirit. These competitions have not only fostered a sense of community but also allowed students to build strong relationships with their peers and teachers.
Our Year 7s have actively participated in inter-school sports, showcasing their athletic skills and sportsmanship. Their involvement in these activities has been commendable, and they have represented our school with pride and integrity. We're excited to see how they continue to grow and contribute throughout the year.
Year 8
Year 8 students have demonstrated an outstanding commitment to their learning, particularly excelling in Visual Arts and Food Technology. In Visual Arts, they've been inspired by the unique and whimsical style of Tim Burton. Their creativity has flourished as they've produced fantastic Tim Burton-inspired creations, displaying their artistic talents and imaginative skills.
In Food Technology, our Year 8s have taken their learning to a new level by designing and cooking menus for their teachers. This hands-on experience has not only enhanced their culinary skills, but also taught them valuable lessons in planning, teamwork, and presentation. Their delicious and innovative menus have been a hit, and we are incredibly proud of their efforts and achievements in these areas.
Year 9
Our Year 9 students have had a remarkable year, highlighted by the success of the City Experience program. This program has given them the opportunity to explore and engage with the wider community, applying their learning in real-world contexts. Throughout the experience, they have demonstrated the college values of respect, responsibility, and resilience.
We are extremely proud of how our Year 9s have conducted themselves, showing maturity and a sense of responsibility. They have embraced the challenges and opportunities presented to them, gaining invaluable insights and experiences. Their behaviour and attitude have been exemplary, reflecting positively on our school and reaffirming our belief in their potential to make a positive impact in the community.
Our Year 9s are working through their Morrisby Profiles during their Innovation sessions. Students will soon be meeting with a career practitioner who will support them in making a pathway plan, which they can use to start choosing their Year 10 and 11 subjects.