Principal's Report

A message from the Principal

Dear Edgars Creek Community, 

Welcome to our first newsletter for 2024. As part of our commitment and response to your feedback through the Parent Opinion Survey, you have asked that we communicate with you more regularly and through targeted ways. This will be the first of our termly newsletters show casing the events, achievements, and happenings at Edgars Creek Secondary College. 


Whole School Review – New Goals and Targets towards 2028

As this newsletter goes to print, we have just completed our review, which looked closely at school achievement, processes for improvement and set new goals and targets for the next four years. The reviewers spent five days at ECSC observing classes, talking to groups of students, staff and parents, and making observations against the Department of Education’s measures for success (FISO – Framework for Improving Student Learning Outcomes). In the next few days, we will work together to slice up the goals and targets and determine how we are going to achieve them across the next four years to 2028. 


The review revealed the following goals and foci for the next 4 years: 

  1. Optimise learning achievement and growth for all students.
  2. Strengthen the positive culture and climate for learning for all students.
  3. Enhance student wellbeing outcomes. 

Sitting under these goals will be targets and actions each year that we will work towards to ensure that we can arrive at our goal achievement over the four years. Some of these targets will rely on student and parent support to achieve these, and will continue to reinforce the importance in the parent, student school partnership for success.


Great Things Happen at ECSC

I am proud of our students and staff and the amazing learning and teaching that occurs in our classrooms each and every day. I make it a priority as Principal to get into classrooms, talk to students and see first hand what they are doing on a day to day basis. As well of the great learning opportunities, the college has had many co-curricular and celebration based activities, engaging students and showcasing their talent. The first half of this year has been a buzz with school events from the Middle School Music evening, Open Night, Year 7 Transition Excursion, student leadership activities and opportunities for our students to engage with other student leaders across Victoria. If you haven’t already, subscribe to our Instagram and Facebook pages, and keep an eye on our social media for celebrating student success.  

Every Day Counts – a note on student absence

Families are reminded of the importance of attending school every day. Over the last few weeks our Promotions Policy has been uploaded and reshared on Compass. Families are reminded that students who are going to be involved in extended family holidays during the term, must seek permission from the Principal and an absence learning plan developed to ensure that students do not fall behind. This does not apply to extended holidays beyond a few weeks, and discussions for students who may be away for more than a month will be negotiated with the college. Any questions regarding this, please don’t hesitate to contact the Assistant Principals at the college – Samantha Smith (Middle School, Years 7 - 9) and Glen Cowan (Senior School, Years 10 -12).

Adam Smith

College Principal